Commercial Landlord & Tenant Practice
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New Jersey Commercial Lease Lawyers
Experienced Advocacy from the Best New Jersey Commercial Lease Lawyers
Every commercial lease matter is distinct and has different issues that must be addressed. At Abdou Law Offices, LLC, we represent both landlords and tenants with proficiency. Our unique insight into both sides of commercial leasing allows us to provide the most effective representation possible to our clients.
Committed Counsel for Contracts Drafting and Negotiation
Our New Jersey commercial lease lawyers take the time to understand your specific circumstances and will work with you to create a plan that minimizes risk and maximizes results. Whether your business is a startup, a new franchise, or an existing business that is looking to expand, we take pride in helping you move forward with your commercial leasing needs.
Similarly, we have represented many commercial landlords that need to ensure that their leasing structure is consistent, efficient, and most of all, profitable with regard to a specific property. Abdou Law Offices, LLC focuses on drafting and negotiating the following:
- Commercial leases
- Lease extensions
- Early lease terminations
- Rent abatement or rent deferral agreements
While a landlord-tenant relationship may not always be without conflict, an experienced attorney at the lease formation stage is necessary to ensure your business relationship starts and continues smoothly. By taking a collaborative approach, we are invested in finding lasting solutions for our clients regardless of whether they happen to be landlords or tenants.
High-Quality Representation for Commercial Landlord and Tenant Matters in New Jersey
Sometimes disputes are inevitable in a commercial leasing scenario. Leasing disputes can be complex, stressful, and economically burdensome. No matter how thoroughly a lease agreement is drafted, either a landlord or tenant may fail to fulfill their obligations for various reasons. If you’re faced with a lease matter, it’s critical to take the necessary steps to prevent disruption to your business and livelihood.
The New Jersey commercial lease lawyers at Abdou Law Offices, LLC provide skillful counsel to commercial landlords and tenants for a wide variety of disputes. Representing owners and tenants with leasing matters concerning retail stores, industrial space, office buildings, restaurants, and other commercial properties, we are committed to resolving your legal issue efficiently and effectively — so you can remain focused on your business either as a commercial landlord or commercial tenant.
Skilled Negotiators and Adept Litigators for New Jersey Commercial Leasing Disputes
At Abdou Law Offices, LLC, we handle commercial leasing matters at every stage of a dispute. From diligently preparing leases, negotiating favorable lease terms, and enforcing the agreement, our New Jersey commercial lease lawyers are well-regarded for their comprehensive knowledge and wide-ranging experience.
We regularly handle commercial leasing issues in connection with the following:
- Breach of contract claims
- Lease violations
- Unauthorized alterations
- Non-payment proceedings
- Holdover proceedings
- Illegal use of property
- Nuisance actions
As skilled negotiators and aggressive litigators, we know how to protect the interest of our clients and are dedicated to working toward a swift resolution to their disputes. Assessing each case individually, we develop a solid strategy specifically tailored to the needs of each client.
In some cases, commercial lease matters can be successfully negotiated outside of court or resolved through mediation or arbitration. However, if negotiations stall and litigation is necessary, our clients can be confident in knowing that they have a trusted and seasoned advocate on their side.
Contact our Knowledgeable Lawyers
Whether you are a landlord or a tenant, a commercial lease is central to your business operations. It’s essential to have a qualified lawyer on your side who can advise you regarding your legal rights and protect your economic interests. At Abdou Law Offices, LLC, our New Jersey commercial lease lawyers are committed to achieving your goals and securing the best possible outcome in your case. To schedule a consultation, contact us today.