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New Jersey Medical Business Lawyers
New The medical profession is one of the noblest professions, but it’s becoming among the most complicated. As time passes, medical practice and dental practice owners require competent legal advice, expertise, and guidance on a number of topics necessary to maintain and grow an existing practice. Our New Jersey medical business lawyers also frequently help new medical and dental professionals purchase existing practices or establish new practices. Conversely, we assist retiring medical professionals and dental professionals in the sale of the practices.
At any point in a medical professional’s career, thorough and thoughtful legal representation is critical in assisting with the business needs of medical and dental professionals. Our lawyers represents medical business owners throughout New Jersey in a variety of practice areas, physical therapy business owners, diagnostic testing center owners, multi-member dental practice owners, dentists, and a variety of other medical professionals and dental professionals.
At Abdou Law, our medical business lawyers are focused to assist business owners in New Jersey with a variety of legal matters including:
- Practice Formation – As medical professionals and dental professionals begin to develop and outline their practices; our attorneys will oversee the formation of the medical business or dental business. We will advise you on the proper type of business entity, and coordinate the submission of the documentation necessary to establish the medical business or dental business within the State of New Jersey.
- Shared Practice/Entity – If a medical professional or dental professional plans to join an existing practice or chooses to share their practice with another medical or dental professional, we will assist with the proper framework and documentation to accomplish these business goals. Our lawyers assist with understanding the strategic considerations and drafting the appropriate partnership agreement(s) essential to the success of the newly formed or expanded practice.
- Commercial Real Estate/Lease – We know real estate. Our lawyers commonly assist New Jersey medical business owners and dental business owners with their commercial leasing and commercial real estate needs. Negotiating and drafting complex commercial leases, as well as representing medical clients and dental clients in the purchase or sale of medical arts buildings or medical condominiums is a central part of our representation of medical business and dental practice owners.
- Contractual Agreements – As a medical professional or dental professional, your practice may engage with several vendors that are central to your practice. We will review and negotiate such medical vendor contracts. We also commonly review and draft medical employment agreements for various levels of medical staff. We assist with the creation of policies and procedures to allow our medical business and dental business clients to focus on their core mission: treating their patients in the utmost professional and competent manner.
- Medical Waiver Development – Patients will need legally binding consent forms to sign before receiving treatment. Documents may include privacy waivers, disclosures, contact forms, and questionnaires. Our attorneys will create these documents to ensure regulatory compliance in a manner that is clear and not intimidating to our clients’ patients.
If you are a medical professional or dental professional looking to create or expand your practice, call our office and speak with our NJ-based medical business lawyers for a complete consultation and legal advice that is best for your practice.