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New Jersey Startup Business Lawyers
Starting a newly formed business?
Having an experienced lawyer when starting your business is one of the first and most fundamental things you can do to get on the road to success. Soon-to-be startup business owners need legal guidance in overseeing the formation process of their new enterprise, as well as negotiating and drafting commercial leases, contractor agreements, and employment contracts.
How Our Entrepreneur/Startup Business Lawyers Can Help You
Contacting an attorney early and having the opportunity to fully discuss your business goals will ensure that you do not miss important details when initiating a startup, and those important details can be significant in the State of New Jersey. Our startup lawyers have helped hundreds of businesses with a variety of their legal needs. Some of the things that we do for our start-up clients are:
- Oversee the Formation Process: When forming a startup business, many entrepreneurs opt for starting a limited liability company (LLC). Our trusted startup attorneys will file your Certificate of Formation and obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). We will also counsel you and draft the necessary initial documentation such as an LLC Operating Agreement. We will also advise regarding the legal rights for business partners and shared LLC entities, if applicable.
- Submit Documentation: Including operating agreements, certificates, and other filings required by the State of New Jersey when obtaining an LLC or startup business.
- Review Commercial Lease (s): Most businesses will need office or retail space for their startup business. As such, we have proudly helped our startup clients evaluate, negotiate and draft commercial leases to allow them to realize their business dreams. We provide both business and legal advice leveraging our years’ experience in assisting business clients in a wide variety of businesses. A commercial lease is one of the largest long-term debts that a business can assume, and it is important to have it negotiated and drafted effectively.
- Develop Employee Contracts: Maybe from the start and certainly as your business grows, employees will become a part of your team. Employee contracts often include a hire date, salaries and/or wages, benefits, and even termination provisions.
- Independent Contractor Agreements: Common with many different types of startups, an independent contractor agreement will be necessary. Likewise, many startup ventures are centered around being independent contractors for other larger companies. Either way, you should have a competent attorney examine and draft an independent contractor agreement while providing you the insight necessary to properly finalize and use such agreements.
Start Your New Business on the Right Foot: Seek Legal Counsel
While starting a business can be an exciting new venture for entrepreneurs, our NJ startup business lawyers will ensure that each step is explained, reviewed, and ready for your new company to operate and thrive. If you’re considering the start of your new business, make your first step to contact Abdou Law so that you can utilize our experience and knowledge for your success!