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Title Insurance Demystified

If you are about to purchase a home, or if you have ever purchased a home, you have undoubtedly been introduced to the concept of title insurance. Essentially, title insurance serves to make sure that there are no title defects, judgments, and/or liens against the property. While it is undeniable that title insurance is crucial and required when you purchase a home, the way it works is somewhat different than any other insurance you may have ever purchased.

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Attorney Review New Jersey

It is a common myth that attorney review is limited to three (3) days. While, it is our practice to attempt to wrap up attorney review within this three (3) day period, we believe it is more important that the terms of the Contract be adjusted to properly serve our specific client before we deem attorney review concluded and subsequently labeling the transaction to be “under contract”.

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Accessing the Judicial System with Reasonable Attorney Fee Arrangements

Ultimately, the time and money required to pursue one’s legal rights causes many to rethink if it’s worth pursuing it at all.

While there are many explanations for why there are less cases filed in state courts, the one thing that we keep finding over and over again is that many of our clients have real measurable disputes that represent significant damages…

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Benefits of the Bargain?

The New Jersey Supreme Court decision in Haines v. Taft (A-13/14-17) (079600) has now completely limited New Jersey residents’ ability to recover medical expenses that exceed what is indicated in their available Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage. In New Jersey, PIP covers your medical bills if you are injured in an accident. It is important to know that PIP pays your own medical expenses no matter who is at fault for the accident. That is why it is sometimes called ‘no-fault’ coverage.

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